Archive for September 5, 2009

Why It Is Weird to be Me (Or, What Happened Today in Real Estate)

I’m still a little flabbergasted.

We showed our house today. This week has been a doozy, with all the cleaning and a good dose of sickness thrown in for fun. We also have been trying to eat at home more, so there has been lots of cooking going on, which makes for more cleaning.

So the realtor lady called Michael this week and told him she would be showing the house on Friday. I immediately went into “we must clean out all closets” mode. It must have been the fever talking, or somebody slipped something into my spiced tea (I was into Vitamin C this week). We cleaned, we polished, we sorted, we threw out, we wiped, we vacuumed, we rearranged, we…you get it.

Today we got everything in order, and left the house in pristine condition. The realtor lady told me this lady was pretty interested, and I wanted to be excited about that. Truthfully, though, I was so tired, and had worked so hard, that I refused to get pumped up about it, because the disappointment would be more than my germ-laden, exhausted self could handle right now.

I prayed all afternoon. While I drove, while I sat outside at Casa de la Coon (my parents’ house), while I ate, I prayed. I asked everyone I knew to pray, so I knew I had a lot of spiritual backup going on. It’s pretty heady stuff, knowing that so many (meaning more than 3 or 4) are going to the creator of the universe on your behalf.

Let me stop here and mention this: I have the best friends I could ever dream of having. I am in a better place, relationship-wise, than I have ever been. I have old friends that I still dearly love. I have family that is there for me. I have new friends that have blessed me more than I could ever imagine. Considering I spent much of my life feeling “out of the loop” socially, and just kind of weird and a little bit lonely, God has blown my socks off with the precious people he has put in my world.

So there was praying, lots of praying. Around 5:00, we called realtor lady and she was effusive in her praise of our clean, shiny house. Then she got to the story:

The lady saw my house on the website a while back. She lives in Chicago. She is moving to Mississippi this fall and my house was the one she wanted to see. Realtor lady did not know her. They just communicated by email. Anyway, she walked in my dining room and saw our family picture and said, “That’s Anne Coon!”

Seriously. I don’t make this stuff up, folks.

Realtor lady was dumbfounded and said, “Yes, that’s her.” The lady says, “Are Mark and Cindy in the area too?” (That’s my parents who apparently know at least 2/3 of the people on the planet). Realtor lady said yes, they are in Madison. The lady says, “I used to go to church with them and Anne babysat for me.”

I know her well, ya’ll. Really well. It’s been years, but I knew them very well.

I’m stunned. Not speechless, that never happens, but stunned nonetheless.

So anyway…she loved my house. She loved the field behind the house (bless her). She is working on some stuff, and we’re still praying. She hasn’t made an offer yet, but we all feel good about it. **We realize this is not a done deal. But I’m a big believer in positive thinking. Remind me of that if it falls through. Thanks.

I am certain that God is in this, regardless of outcome. There was so much prayer, and still will be, until it’s all said and done. I’m convinced that this was preordained by God, and not just a weird coincidence. God is not anonymous. He shows himself in everything. He doesn’t act randomly. There is a purpose for his glory in everything that happens, in every situation. We may not see it immediately, but I promise if you look, and ask him to show you, he will.

I’ll keep you posted on the outcome. Until then, I’m going to be worshipping the one true God who is good and holy and loves people so much that he brings us into each others lives and brings things around full circle. Only God can do that. People mess things up. God gets it right, every time.

Thanks for praying for us. Let me know how I can pray for you. Thank you, my sweet friends, for being in my world. I’m better because of this whole experience with real estate, homeschooling, and God has taught me so much through the hard stuff. I pray he blesses you in a big way, too.

September 5, 2009 at 3:21 am 6 comments

Welcome! Hope you enjoy the blog. I know nothing about the internet, except that I like it a lot. So there's nothing fancy on here, just thoughts and pictures. It's the simple things, right?
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