Archive for December, 2008

Let’s Just See Here if This Thingamajig Can Post Purty Pictures…

that’s the lamest title of all time…but it was in my head. 

And we all know that if it’s in my head, it has to come out. And sometimes it just avoids the filtering process. 

But I no longer get embarrassed about such things. I have no pride. 

If you are on Facebook, you’ve seen these. But if not, here are a few pics from the recent Christmas festivities.


Molly is investigating her new Polly Pocket set, courtesy of sweet Jenni and the girls. She LOVES her some Polly. We call her Molly Mocket, but she hates that. 


This was one of the funniest things I’ve EVER seen. It’s a snack bowl that plays the Fox Football theme and the lid opens when you push the button. Then when the music stops, the lid closes back. So you have to eat fast!! 


I really am not creative enough to convey how funny this gift is to my family. 


Here are the 6 Coon grandkids. And my dad, aka “G”. They were playing with the electric train set, while Nonna got breakfast ready. We love Christmas eve at the Coon house. 


Instead of a bunch of stuff, we all got a Wii! The kids were so excited. Now if we could just keep Molly from crying every time she loses a game…


Paiz got a tricycle on Christmas morning. I am so happy about it, because of the adult handle on the back. She also got a phone, so she can talk to her peeps while Mom pushes her around. 


Molly had a great Christmas morning…but the minute she saw these pjs, she stripped down and changed. And now she can’t take a picture like a regular person. 


Aidan got a space shuttle set. It’s really a pretty realistic looking toy. And he’s definitely “over the moon” with it.


And this last one is from Photobooth on my new laptop. Aidan’s working the fish face, and Molly’s got her brooding look on. But I think it’s cool anyway.

There are so many more pics…but nobody wants to look at the aftermath of Christmas in the living room. 

So now…we’re working hard to get the house ready to sell. We have about 7 months to try to sell it and find another. If you read this, would you please say a short prayer that it will sell? I’ll just homeschool Aidan if it doesn’t sell by August, but I really don’t feel led to do that right now. I’m okay with it though, if I have to. But he’s such a social child, he really would excel in the classroom. Anyway…too much information. But please pray about my house. We’ve loved living here. But we put a contract on it right before we found out we were having three kids. We’re a bit crowded, plus we need to be in a good district. 

I can tell my mind is working faster than my fingers again…I’m just blabbing on and on…

Michael and I are working on some resolutions. When I get my list done, I’ll post them. The only one that’s for sure is that we are putting up Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving next year. Pretty mild for a resolution. Surely I come up with something a little more demanding of myself. 

But not tonight!

December 29, 2008 at 5:56 am 1 comment

I Have No Idea What I’m Doing…

but I’m doing it! 

I’m the proud owner of a brand spankin’ new Macbook. It’s silver, and very thin. That’s all I can tell you at this point. 

I have to move all the other stuff onto this here doodad, hopefully that will come soon. We’re talking 5 years of pictures!

I almost had to ask for a paper bag to breathe in when we made the purchase. We both view a computer as a household necessity, like a washer and dryer. 

But I am the cheapest person alive, and I panic if I spend over $30 on an article of clothing that I know I’ll keep for 10 years. 

But now that I’m actually typing, and not just pointing and clicking on stuff I don’t understand…I’m warming up to the little guy. 

Michael just told me he walked past the old computer and its feelings are hurt. He said that it felt like Woody when Buzz Lightyear came on the scene. 

A funny engineer. There’s a rare breed. 

I’m going to play some more, so I can give you more than just words. 


December 27, 2008 at 5:00 am Leave a comment

So My Heart Grew 3 Sizes Bigger That Day…

I admit to being a grinch this year.

I had a rough month. There were so many wonderful, bright moments, but for the most part, I was in a bad mood.

But yesterday, Christmas Eve, I read “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” to my nephew, Max. He could have read it to me, he knows it by heart.

I realized, I have not ever read that book.

Oh. My. Gracious.

I haven’t even seen the movie. My dad watches “Jingle All The Way” every year, but the Grinch is only every now and then.

So I got to the part where the Grinch has his epiphane, and I lost it.

Crocodile tears, right there in my plate of mexican stack up (the Christmas eve lunch of champions) while Max recited the book in my lap.

My heart was 2 sizes too small.

Forgive me.

I’ve learned a lot writing about these free gifts. I’ve learned to pay attention to the giving of them and the receiving. My heart is better because of what God taught me through them.

But I don’t think I really caught onto the Christmas spirit this year until Dr. Seuss so gently pointed it out to me what it takes.

My heart had to change.

And change it did, but I’m not going to tell you how. That’s just for me.

So let me just say Merry Christmas, all 33 minutes left of it.

I love my family. I love playing dirty santa with those crazy people. I love laughing so hard I want to cry. I said a word I never thought I’d say in front of my grandmother, and it really cracked me up. I love that overly warm, crowded house with all of those quirky, hilarious, loving, Godly people crammed in there with more food than anyone could ever eat in a week.

I love Christmas eve. I love the day at mom and dad’s house. I love the safety of that home. There is so much love. I love watching my dad wrestle with the grandkids and say things like, “well, over here, Paiz can do whatever she wants!” Oh, he kills me with his permissiveness. I love knowing my children are in their second favorite place with their favorite people. I love that we eat non-holiday food. We used to go out for breakfast, then see a movie. Now we just hang out in our yuck clothes and no makeup all day. And yesterday we added the Wii to the festivities. I never knew I loved Ping Pong so much.

Then late last night, my Michael gave me my present. A little piece of folded up paper with a drawing on it.

A laptop with the word MAC on the screen.

Oh! Happy! Day!

You see, my computer is older than Aidan. It’s a dinosaur. The monitor is the size of a SmartCar. It has already crashed once and we managed to recover. It’s showing signs of doing that again. And I haven’t been able to add pictures to the blog in I don’t know how long.

For this reason alone…let’s get a new one!

So tomorrow, I’m going to get my Macbook. It’s easily the nicest gift I’ve ever been given, next to my engagement ring. I’m so thankful. So, so thankful.

Today we had a wonderful morning. The kids had the biggest Christmas they’ve ever had. Paisley got a pink Radio Flyer trike, and a bunch of baby doll accessories. Molly got some Groovy Girls and Hannah Montana pjs and a tshirt. She got books, puzzles, games, a pink and purple lava lamp and a Tinkerbell storybook pillow. Aidan got a rocket set, the ENTIRE Gorilla Mountain Imaginext set, more Geotrax, a cool tshirt, books, puzzles, games, movies.

And we never went to Toys R Us one time. I’m so proud of that fact.

Michael’s parents came here for the afternoon, which meant a whole day at home. That was a blessing as well.

So there’s my holiday recap. Hopefully after tomorrow, I’ll have pictures as well.

And my final free gift (don’t tell me you didn’t see this coming…)
That precious baby born so long ago. I don’t want to make it a perfect picture. I don’t think it was a clear night with calm animals and sweet smelling hay. I don’t think Mary and Joseph had it easy by any sense of the word. I think it stunk, and the animals were loud. I think Mary had an awful labor. They’re all awful, right? It was dirty and dark. Possibly the most humble beginning possible for a perfect person to be born.

Then he lived. He taught love and forgiveness. He taught wisdom and truth. He IS truth. He was kind. He loved children. He healed sick people in body and soul. But his life was humble, too. He didn’t have any luxuries. He trusted God to provide for him every day. For a perfect person, it wasn’t exactly a walk in the park.

Then he died. And it was more degrading and humiliating than the birth or the life. Humble could never describe it. He was killed, while innocent, and all for one reason.


God loves us so much. More than a person could ever be capable of loving.
And he sent his son away from him to have to endure this thing we call life. All because he wanted to put everything we have done and ever will do wrong on him. Jesus took every bad thing on himself. And God allowed it, because he knew that Jesus’ home was in heaven.

And I’m so glad mine is too. I believe Jesus is who he says he is. I believe God loves me that much. I don’t understand or deserve any of it. But I believe it. I need to believe it. It’s my hope.

I pray you have hope this year. I pray that God’s love for you will be the greatest free gift you’ll ever receive. I pray that you trust that it’s true. He’ll show you that it is.

Merry Christmas. May God’s love be so real to you this year that you can’t do anything but embrace it with your whole life.

December 26, 2008 at 5:57 am 3 comments


So…I’ve been doing the free gifts series. My first series…awww.

The thing is, the more I write, the more I’m challenged to do these things I so confidently state that we should do.

Today alone…I’ve been required to be kind. To be understanding (this was a big stretch for me). I’ve laughed with friends. I’ve had to put others first, namely my kids, which sometimes is hard for me, because they’re so demanding anyway. The only thing I haven’t needed or given is free babysitting, hold on, actually…Michael’s mom came over, I went to Walmart. There you go.

So…I’m learning that God is working on me through this little series of blabber. I think he wants me to put my money where my mouth is.

Here’s a dose of some of the humor the kids have given to me…

Molly: Why don’t we have gifts under the tree? Everyone else does!
Michael: Because we know you’ll tear them up.
Molly: I promise I won’t touch them.
Michael: What about you, Aidan?
Aidan: Dad, I just can’t say what I would do. I’m not making promises.

The kid is honest to a fault. He can’t just look like me, he has to BE just like me too!

Oh, and here’s another gift…free from me:
Chocolate Chip Pecan Pie (Michael’s favorite ever)

2 sticks butter, melted
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup pecans
1 cup milk chocolate chips

beat eggs till foamy (I use my stand mixer, and it’s so easy-breezy). Add flour and sugars. Add melted butter and continue mixing till creamy. Stir in pecans and  chocolate. Pour in unbaked pie shell and bake for 1 hour at 325 degrees.

It tastes like a big chocolate chip cookie with pecans. Yummy.

But as far as day 6 goes, the gift for today is a big, old, squishy bear hug.

I don’t have to explain the merits of hugs, or any affectionate touch. We are  created with a need to be touched. My kids count on me to hug them throughout the day. Michael knows I love him when I just pat him on the back. To him, that says more than words.

So I’ve had to give gifts today. I’ve also received quite a few.

It’s interesting…when I start viewing these little things as gifts, I begin to realize how completely blessed I am. I receive a great number of gifts daily. That means the people I love are a gift to me, just by being who they are.

Tomorrow night is Christmas at my grandparents’ house. I love it. It’s 25 or so people crammed in a living room with the thermostat on a cool 82 degrees. Most of the younger generation wears shorts and tshirts and we exchange dirty santa gifts. Last year I got a great little fake hair thing.

I just had a wonderful idea about what to wear tomorrow night.

So let’s get these holidays crankin’.

Mucho love-o.

December 23, 2008 at 4:19 am 1 comment

Day 5&6…You Are Always On My Mind

Don’t you love Willie Nelson on this song? I mean, he has such a great sound, and this song makes me smile.

But that’s not the point.

I was polling my family today at lunch to get free gift ideas. My mom mentioned that it’s a gift to someone when you think about them. When you ask about how they’re doing. When you show genuine concern for what’s going on with them.

I’m pretty certain that this is a gift nobody gives often enough.

I can be so selfish. I want to be the type of person who thinks of others all the time. I get caught up in my little world and all the activity of my life that I forget that others are possibly struggling or suffering, lonely or lost.

Michael is one of the only people I’ve ever known who gives this gift freely. He is constantly asking people what’s going on with them, and takes the time to hear the answer. I’ve found notes he has written to remind him to pray for others. He means it when he says, “how are you?”

At our wedding, we had a LOT of people to say hello to at the reception. Being a minister’s kid who had grown up in that church, I knew how to hug, say, “Thanks for coming! I’m so glad to see you!” and move on. Michael, however, stopped and had a 5 minutes conversation with everyone he saw. He asked about jobs, health, family. I was already in the reception room while he was still in the hall, having a heart to heart.

I picked on him for years about this. But I know that he has a rare gift of putting others first.

I wish I could be more like him when I grow up.

When I think of ways to give this gift, these come to mind:
a note in the mail. I know it’s not free, you have to buy the stamp, but it’s less than half of a dollar.
A phone call. We email and text our fingers off, but when was the last time you called someone to check on them?
An invitation to something someone else would like. This one sounds weird, but I think a way to show someone that you are thinking about them is to ask them to go do something they’d like to do. If you have a friend who LOVES sushi, ask them to go eat one night. Spend time with them, and listen to their hearts.

I know I need to be reminded daily that life is not about me. Jesus was the perfect example of that. He preached when he was tired. He healed when he just wanted to be alone. He put others first and gave up all of his “me” time for the needs of others.

At Christmastime, we are surrounded by friends and family. If you want to give a gift that costs you nothing, sit down with an aunt you never talk to and find out what’s going on with them. Show someone you love, but may not know well, that you care about them.

I can only assume you would be the one receiving the gift in the end.

December 22, 2008 at 3:45 am Leave a comment

Day 4: It worked for the Indians

It’s late, and I have to finish shopping tomorrow. I’ve pondered all day about my fourth free gift.

And instead of writing my brilliant idea that magically appeared in my brain…I spent the day wrangling my children who just partied a bit too hard at school today. I said “don’t”, and they did. I said “stop” and they must have thought I meant “go”.

By nine o’clock, I was exhausted.

But we said we would watch the Bourne Identity while we addressed Christmas cards, and so we did.

Oh, and I got the date wrong…today is the 10 year anniversary of our engagement. We addressed envelopes in our flannel pjs. How romantic. At least we haven’t argued.

ANYWAY…back to the free gift.

So my kids made me crazy, and I really longed for time with Michael to celebrate the beginning of our permanent commitment, and we didn’t get it. It hit me about an hour ago what gift would be perfecto for today.

Free babysitting.

I’m not kidding. I know that’s not all character-building, but for goodness sakes, I’m tired.

So, I making the suggestion that you find a couple that you like and trust, and work out a swap arrangement for date nights. It’s free (if you don’t go eat or see a movie or shop).

Free childcare. May your days be merry and bright. Have a holly jolly Christmas.

Just thinking about going out with no kids makes me sing Christmas songs in my head.

I need sleep.

*if you’re wondering what the indians have to do with it…it was a sad attempt to be witty on my part. The indians traded for everything, they had no currency to use. But it’s after midnight, and I don’t want to replace the title.

December 20, 2008 at 6:32 am 1 comment

Day 3: Understanding

Today I flushed my phone down the toilet.

I was in our church gym, and the bathrooms there have this really powerful flush, and swoosh, there it went. I’ll never put a phone in my back pocket again.

I was afraid Michael would be mad. Instead, he laughed and said, “I know you need a new phone, but isn’t this going to extremes to get one?”

Like I would ever do that on purpose! (wink!)

His understanding of the situation is a gift to me. I appreciate that he has a sense of humor about most predicaments. I try to return the gift and give the same understanding about working late, or playing golf, or fantasy football. Those are things he has to do, or really enjoys. I understand that about him. I understand when he hangs out with Aidan and they mess up his room, it’s part of their bonding. I’m down with that.

I love it when a friend says, “That’s who you are”, or “I totally understand that about you”. It means a lot when someone really has taken the time and energy to fully comprehend what I’m all about. When conclusions are drawn, or if I’m misunderstood, that’s a friendship barrier to me.

Understanding means you have to listen. You have to really hear what someone is saying to fully understand them. It also means to think outside of your own little box, and try to understand where they’re coming from. I struggle with this. I admit, I have a hard time being the friend I should be when I don’t understand someone’s actions. I’ve prayed that God will work this out in my heart. It’s so easy for me to love people, but hard for me to understand them at the same time.

One gift (love) is good, two (love and understanding), is that much better.

Today is the tenth anniversary of the day Michael and I got engaged. We just had a conversation that was full of misunderstanding. I don’t think I fully understood what he was saying and vice versa. The love is there, but the understanding comes and goes.

But I’m still glad he asked me to marry him 10 years ago. And I hope he’s glad I said yes, even when we have difficulty understanding each other.

So listen well, and accept things that you may not agree with, and you will give the gift of understanding, possibly to someone who really needs it.

December 19, 2008 at 5:01 am 1 comment

Day 2: Belly Laughs

Actually, the gift is a good joke!

I love laughter. I love to participate in it, I love to hear it, I love to be the cause of it (sometimes.)

My kids are learning how to tell jokes, but most of them go like this:

Aidan: Knock knock!
me: Who’s there?
A: Poo Poo
Me: Poo Poo who?
A: Poo Poo is STINKY!!!

and there you have it, 5 year old humor.

But seriously, or not, laughter is a great gift. It’s good for your body, it’s good for your spirit, and I’ve heard it uses less muscles to smile than to frown, therefore having wrinkle reducing effects!

I want to be one of those people who actually laughs when something is funny, and not just says, “oh, that’s hilarious.” I have a tendency to do that, and where’s the fun in just talking? For crying out loud, laugh!

I love getting tickled. There are some stories that certain people tell that make me laugh so hard I can’t breathe and start to cry and get all wheezy. It’s awesome, and embarrassing at the same time.

The last time I laughed like that was when my dad told me the story of his Aunt Sister’s funeral. Her real name isn’t Sister, that’s just what she was called. Anyhoo…he said she was mean as a snake. Several years ago, she passed away, I think I was in college. He and his sister, my Aunt Peggy, went to the funeral. She was buried in the cemetery in Brookhaven, right next to Brookhaven High School. As they were walking to the graveside, the band was on the field practicing. Dad looked at Aunt Peggy and said, “Hear that? They’re playing Born To Be Wild!” They got tickled, which led to the telling of some other stories…

My very favorite, and there is no way I could tell this in writing like my daddy does in person, is about when he was a kid and they had a cat. This cat had kittens. My dad’s grandmother was a large woman. She was very short and had a hard time getting in and out of the recliner. One day, she fell into the chair, and the kids heard a “mewp” coming from under her rear end.

The poor kitten never saw it coming.

My dad’s brother, Jerry, made a headstone for that cat. It said, and please know that I’m cracking up while typing this, “Here lies Fluffy. Killed by Grandma’s fat a**.”

I hope you’re laughing. I’m sorry if anybody is offended at a kitten squishing, but it happened a long time ago, and it just gets me every time.

Thanks, Dad, for the gift of that story…morbid though it is.

Here are some other jokes that I got online…just in case you need a laugh today…

What’s the difference between chopped beef and pea soup?
Everyone can chop beef, but not everyone can pea soup!

A magician was driving down the road..then he turned into a drive way…

Why don’t aliens eat clowns.
Because they taste funny.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?
A fsh

Two snowmen are standing in a field. One says to the other : “Funny, I smell carrots too”.

What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?

Two peanuts walk into a bar.
One was a salted.

Once upon a time there were two muffins in the microwave. Suddenly, on of the muffins says:
“Man it’s hot in here!!!!”
The other muffin exclaims,
“Look a talking muffin!!!!”

I know, I know, those are completely corny, but maybe you smiled, just a bit? Gosh, I hope so.

Anyway…if something is called “the best medicine”, who wouldn’t want some of that?!

Find something funny and laugh about it, then share it with someone. It costs you nothing, and you’ll feel better when you do!

And if you snort and make someone else laugh, then good for you!

December 18, 2008 at 5:23 am 3 comments

Love Don’t Cost a Thing

Well, hello there!

I’ve been thinking about what I could write about that would help me get in the Christmas spirit. I’m just not there yet. I’ve had bits and pieces of the season here and there, but I’m just not in full fledged sing-carols-while-in-Walmart mode.

My dad used to do that. So embarrassing.

Buying gifts stresses me out. I love doing it, and I love the people I buy for, but trying to give just the right thing and not look cheap, or lazy, or thoughtless is hard. It requires time, money, energy, babysitters…all things I do not have an abundance of right now.

Those of you in my family…never fear! I shopped this past weekend, and all is well.

So I have been pondering on things we can give anyone that cost nothing. You all know where this is ultimately heading. Jesus is the greatest gift of all time, and his love is completely free. God’s gift in to us will forever be unmatched by anything else.

So I’ve given the ending away…but we have 10 days till Christmas! For the next 10 days, I’m going to try to think of 10 completely free things we can give people that will make their holiday brighter. I have no idea what I’ll do after today, so feel free to give suggestions!

I have lots of pics to post, and I know you’d rather see those, but deal with it. There, that’s free too!

Day 1. Kind Words

My love language is Words of Affirmation. I love to affirm and to be affirmed. It makes me feel good to give compliments. It makes me feel good to get them! One of my strongest spiritual gifts is Exhortation, and to me, that means proclaiming truth to others. I choose encouragement to be the way that I demonstrate that gift. I think it’s necessary that we say kind things and build each other up at every opportunity.

I have had the great joy of making some friends this year that build me up almost every time we speak. One particular lady goes to my church, and is closer in age to my mama than me. But every time I sing, or speak up in Bible Study, or do anything that gets her attention, she emails me to tell me something good about it. She is a constant source of encouragement for me. I learn from her every time we talk and she just means so much to me. She gives me a gift every time she speaks to me.

Then there is the gift that we have no idea we give. I met a guy about 2 weeks ago that I have seen a lot, but never met. After being introduced, he told me he remembered me from a large group of people and then gave me a compliment that I will probably remember all of my life. He doesn’t know me, and has no reason to think anything about me. He wouldn’t remember my name if I saw him again. But he was kind enough to remember me, and gracious enough to tell me why.

We all know that words hurt. Unintentional words, unspoken words, body language, all of that can be interpreted in many ways and tear down relationships.

So this Christmas, I know that I can give the free gift of encouragement. I can give the gift of well-deserved compliments. So many times, we think nice things. What would it hurt to say them?

Some people are not built up by words. That’s fine, we’re all different. But even if words aren’t “your thing”, you still have the opportunity to makes someone’s day by saying something nice.

Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. So ultimately, kind words should be a part of a Christian’s regular speech.

So here goes my kind word to all of you that are sweet enough to read this amateur blogger’s posts….Thank you. It really means a lot that you read my blog. It means a lot that you care enough to find out what’s going on around here. I love writing this stuff, even if it’s just drivel sometimes. I love sharing my life with you. You are all encouragements to me, just by showing up. Thanks so much.

Kind words…a free gift that people can keep with them forever. If they have a good memory. But anyway…

I’ll be up tonight trying to think of day 2. Enjoy a wonderful, cold, rainy day of kindness!

December 16, 2008 at 8:49 pm 2 comments

Salsa and Sour Cream

When Michael goes out of town, I don’t eat meals. I snack. It’s my favorite way of consuming food.

He hates the thought of mixing perfectly good salsa with sour cream. It really grosses him out. I love it. So I’m gorging myself on it, without any ridicule from the food purist in the family.

The new wordpress dashboard is awesome. I’m really loving it. The coolest part? The word counter is at the bottom of the screen you write on, so it’s going up as I write. Once again, just like with the sitemeter episode, I feel pressure now. Am I using too many words? Too few? They should really make an “interesting word counter”. That way, I’ll know if I’m adding enough panache to the post. What the heck is panache? I’ve read it, and I pretend like I know what it means. I probably shouldn’t have said that, then you’d never know that I don’t know.

I’m a little jittery tonight. I mean, it’s our first night here without Michael since the Nasty Mouse Invasion of 2008. Luckily, the rain outside is making some pretty good background noise, I don’t think I’d hear little scratchy sounds or whatever. Gosh, just writing that gave me the willies.

I’m becoming a picture flunky. I mean, I’m taking them, downloading them, but pictures on WordPress is my least favorite feature. I really don’t like adding them. I probably don’t know the shortcuts yet.

Also…I’m taking cupcakes to school on Friday for Aidan’s friend. The teacher loved the idea, and another mama is bringing chips. His teacher is bringing drinks, so we should have a good time. I feel better about it.

Tomorrow is the dentist for me. I hate going to the dentist. I have gum issues, and he always just shakes his head and tells me how bad it is, but they can’t do anything to make it better. I guess it’s just something to live with.

I’ve got to find some Christmas spirit somewhere. Michael and I are trying to find a sitter for Saturday so we can go shop all afternoon. I don’t think they sell spirit at Walmart. Between the mice, moving out and back in, getting ready to sell the house, the Christmas music at church, the van getting new tires, the dentist, stomach bugs and everything else, I just haven’t had time to enjoy the season.

I know what Christmas is about. I’ve always known. I think I have my priorities straight. I just have more responsibilities than ever before and I’m feeling really stretched thin. I’m memorizing monologues, studying to teach Sunday school, cooking and buying for the myriad of parties to attend. I haven’t bought one gift for my own children. My days are so full, and we have to spend our afternoons at home because I really think their rest time is crucial to their staying healthy through all of this.

So I’m praying,

Father, Lord, Savior…
Help me find you in this time. Help me know you’re here. Give me the minutes every day to complete what you want me to complete for that day. Help me meet my responsibilities outside my home, but not neglect my relationships inside. I need to be still. I want to worship you and know you better through understanding more about your birth.
God, Thank you so much. Thanks for the fact that if I didn’t buy one gift, we still have more than enough. Thanks that when it’s cold, my kids just sit closer to me. Thanks that Michael is a good steward with our money. Thanks that you sent Jesus. Thank you for that hope. Thanks for the assurance that tomorrow is figured out for me.
Lord, help me find Christmas spirit by filling me with your Holy Spirit. I love you, Jesus.


December 11, 2008 at 3:44 am 1 comment

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