Archive for May, 2009

Later, Leno.

I watched Jay Leno’s last Tonight Show. 

I knew I would cry. I cry at anything that even hints of a finale. 

It was funny, and I am so thankful that he never Jaywalked around here! 

And that’s all I have to say about that.

May 30, 2009 at 4:44 am Leave a comment

Awake. And Not Happy About It.

If I would get out of bed and turn the light off, I’d go to sleep. But Michael is up working, and I just can’t bring myself to turn the light off while he’s still up. 

I know, I’m so unselfish. 

That was meant to be sarcastic. You got that, right? 

Actually, I’m just really tired and just too lazy to put the computer away, and turn the light off. So I’m just gonna sit here until Michael gets finished. 

And you, lucky ducks, are the ones who get to hear about it. 

Michael played ball again tonight, and we are always happy when he remains injury free. 

Paisley has a name for her pacifier. She can only have it to sleep, and she calls it her “beebee”. Tonight, when we got home, she was mostly asleep, and lifted her head a bit and said, “two beebees.” The sleepy kid wanted one paci in her mouth, and one in her hand. Sweet thing. 

Molly asked me today if we had bones in our lungs. I said no, but we have bones around them, called ribs. Then she asked how our lungs work and how we are able to breathe in and out. I made up something about muscles and air, and realized that I’m going to have to spend lots of time on wikipedia to keep up with her questions. She asks stuff like that daily. It’s cute. A little weird, but cute. 

Aidan was listening to a book being read on Reading Rainbow today (don’t you just love Levar?) that was written by Tiki and Ronde Barber. When I told him that Tiki was the same Tiki that made a guest appearance on the new Electric Company, he said, “NO WAY!” He got excited, because he loves the EC, and it was like worlds colliding for him. I’m hoping it may spark a slight interest in football. Let me change what I just said. I’m hoping it may spark an interest in knowing about football and maybe playing Upward Flag Football. My skinny dude couldn’t handle being tackled. Mama couldn’t take it either. 

I have been reading novels constantly for 2 weeks now. I am realizing that when I read, I don’t write. And when I do write, it’s about nothing because I’m worn slap out. 

My whole family headed out on vacation this week. My brother and his crew is going to South Carolina. My folks are headed to Florida. Actually, mom has a meeting, but my parents are good at finding fun anywhere. So they’re leaving us here in the Mosquito state to hold down the fort. Hope their trails are happy. 

Good gracious, is Michael not going to sleep tonight? 

The past several months have been very frustrating to me in a specific area of my life. I am about to have to give up doing something that I love so very much. But there are other things for me out there, and sometimes it’s better not to do something than to do it and stay ticked off. So I’m dealing with that these days. But if that’s my only complaint, other than needing to lose 10 pounds, then I guess I’m okay, huh? I really hope God gives me  other ways to do what I love to do without being in an uncomfortable situation. 

Tomorrow, my kids are going to run wild at the Renaissance, playing in the fountains. I always have to bring a change of clothes, so they won’t freeze on the way home. The problem is, there is nowhere to change them. So I make a towel curtain and my kids strip down in the middle of an upscale outdoor mall. If that makes me a redneck, then so be it. 

Oh, and I read today that Daniel Craig (007) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) have signed up to do a movie together. Michael thinks my eyes will get cavities from all the eye candy. I mean, seriously, could there be a better looking pair of dudes up there? I’m afraid Michael won’t take me to see it because he’s afraid I might find a way to hang a poster up in our room of those dudes. (I really wanted to use the words manly hunks of hotness somewhere in this paragraph, but I’m trying to be refined and somewhat of a positive influence on those around me. But know that that’s the word I’m thinking.)

I’m kidding. Sort of. 

It’s half past twelve. That sounds so old fashioned, I love it. But it’s time to bid adieu. Buenos noches.

May 29, 2009 at 5:33 am 1 comment

Sunday Afternoon

I can hear Michael and the big kids playing Lego Star Wars on the Wii in the living room. I’m propped up in bed, thinking about sleep. I had 2 cokes at Mazzios after church today, so I don’t think I’ll be able to, but the time alone to just sit is a beautiful thing anyway. 

I really wish someone would come look at our house. I clean it every. single. day. And live here with 3 kids that are out of school for the summer. I’m not unhappy or complaining, it’s just disheartening when we all are working hard (even the kids, believe it or not) for what seems like nothing. 

So I’m not cleaning it today. I just don’t feel like it. It’s the sabbath. 

Lying next to me is our newest member of the family, Rosie. Rosie is a ballerina doll the size of Paisley, and she’s Molly’s new best friend. She has loops on her feet that Molly can put on her own feet and they dance together. It’s really cute. Molly got her yesterday and she just fit right in. I had to brush her teeth last night, give her water, tuck her in, and was told “Rosie is a really good listener if you ever need to talk, Mom.” 

I was comforted beyond words by that. 

But now, Rosie is taking a nap, while Molly watches the boys play Star Wars. She loves to watch them. It really makes me laugh, because she doesn’t want to play, she just wants to narrate the game. It’s funny stuff. 

We had to keep the 2 year old class today during the service. Most of the kids are 3 now, and they are so funny. There was one little boy in there who had an obsession with my toes. Seriously. He sat on the floor almost the WHOLE HOUR holding onto my toes. Bless him. I made him wash his hands, because who knows where those toes have been? 

Then we had another little boy who was so super friendly, he knew the name of every kid in the class. He welcomed them all by name. Future deacon, that dude. 

Then we had the 3 or 4 who wouldn’t look at me or smile at me for the first half hour. Then after one or twelve rounds of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, they warmed up and decided the rest of me was okay, not just my toes. 

Songs with motions and goldfish will win them over, every time. 

Aidan got a haircut yesterday. His hair was huge. It’s no longer curly, like it was most of his life. It’s just big, and quite poofy. So, we had it cut off. I still think we could have made it shorter on the top, but I get timid when someone comes at my little boy with scissors. So now, I can see his face, and not just his big mop of hair. Those brown eyes are a killer. Big and inquisitive, and slightly mischievous. 

Now it’s too late for me to fall asleep. Shucks. 

I’m looking at the shoes hanging on the door of my closet. I have a pair of red sandals from Ann Taylor. They are SO CUTE, but the last time I wore them, they made my feet bleed, no lie. I’m wondering if it’s worth it to try again. They sure are sassy. 

I am getting so sleepy, so maybe I can squeeze in 45 minutes before Michael comes in here at 3 and kicks me back out into the world of childrearing. Wish me luck. And I promise the next post will entertain your socks off, as I’m sure this one hasn’t.

May 24, 2009 at 7:20 pm 2 comments

Crazy Paizy!

Today she’s 2. It was a fun day, filled with friends and lots of playtime. She’s talking a LOT (remind me that I wanted her to, okay?) and she really is quite funny! But it’s not the kind of funny I could relay to you on the blog like I do the big kids. Her funny is facial expressions, attitudes, the twisty way she runs, the sounds she makes, all of that stuff. Michael was out of pocket all day with work stuff, so we didn’t really celebrate. In other words, no pictures. But we’re going to throw down later in the summer and have a grand old time. 

Since we have no photographic evidence of today, here’s a few of her many faces:







Sweet Paizy, from the minute we found out you were being formed, you’ve kept us on our toes. You were not what we expected at all. We weren’t expecting you, but you are exactly what we needed. I praise the awesome God who knew that way before we did. You have rocked our semi-ordered world out of control and helped us learn to laugh about it. You are spunky, friendly, silly, daring, free-spirited, musical, sassy, and as your mom I have to say just flat out cute as a bug. You are determined and want to be a big girl so badly. Those days will be here soon enough, sister. Let’s enjoy being the “beebee” for a while. As fun as you are, you could very well have inherited my drama gene, so let’s just stay little and drama free for a few more years, at least. Thanks for being you. Thanks for helping me loosen up, just a bit. I love the way you laugh, with your little hands over your mouth. I love the way you make animal sounds. I love the way you hug new friends. I love the way you sing the Star Wars theme (seriously, she does!). I love the way you put your baby dolls to bed and tell me to shhhh! I love the way you move your mouth to Hannah Montana, pretending to know the words. I love how you hold your arms out and say, “Ta DAA!” every time I get you dressed. 

You are a precious child. I wasn’t sure I wanted 3 kids. I was pretty terrified of being your mom. But God taught me to trust him and know that his plan is the best one. I hope that you will take your strong will and give it to Jesus and learn that whatever he gives you is perfect. Use your hard headedness for God’s glory, standing up for what is true and right. I know you can do it. You can do anything, as far as I’m concerned. I’m praying for you. I’m praying for your protection, your education, your social life, your future husband…but most of all for your salvation. I want you to know Jesus and that he loves you so much. More than I ever could. He wants you to follow him. I promise to tell you everything I know about him. I promise to help you out and help you grow, and try to stand aside when you need to mess up from time to time. You can ALWAYS come to me. I will always have a hug for you. 

Happy birthday Paiz. The day you were born 2 years ago was one of the most fun days of my life. You have continued to bring the party every day since. I’m so thankful for you. I love you so much.  -mama

May 22, 2009 at 4:22 am Leave a comment

You Were Warned

This is not a happy post with pictures and kid stories. 

My heart grieves for my friend. I need to give her a hug. When my friends hurt, I hurt too. 

I don’t understand why things happen the way they do. My faith is strong, I believe in God’s sovereignty. I hold fast to it every day. But I just don’t get it sometimes. My logic is so weak compared to God’s, but in moments of tragedy and confusion, I think he’s the one who doesn’t get it. And that makes me mad at myself, because I know the creator of all things, who is a complete manifestation of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control is at the helm of the ship, no matter how stormy the waters may seem. 

I think about Daniel and his buds, when asked to worship something other than God and then threatened with the fire, they said (in my substandard paraphrasing) “Our God is going to save us. We know he can and will. But even if he doesn’t, we will worship him instead of your gods, because he is the one and only true God.” 

And I realize I have a long way to go on faith. I know God is good. I know he can and will bless those who love him. But will I worship him, even when the blessings are invisible? I’d like to think I would, but I don’t know. 

Praising him in the storm. I know it’s a song, and kind of cliche, but I want to learn to do that better. I have done it, and plan to continue throughout the faith journey of my life. But I want the kind of faith that sees God in every detail of the good and bad. I want him to knock my socks off with the constant revelations of truth through circumstances out of my control. I don’t want control. I just want God to drive, taking me where he wants me to be, and helping me see him work along every bend in the road. 

I really didn’t want this post to be about me. But I can’t write about my friend, it’s too personal, and she means too much. And through her situation today, I’ve dealt a lot with God. I am so glad he allowed us to be friends. She’s a pretty amazing person. I admire her more every time we talk. I’m just now, at my ripe old age of 32, learning what it means to have friends that “sticketh closer than a brother”. (I said “sticketh” Yay me.) It’s comforting, and makes me feel like maybe, for the first time in 10 years, we’ve really found a home. 

So pray for my friend, please. You don’t have to know her name. God does. She’s in a storm, and wants to praise him, but knows how hard it will be to do that right now. I want to encourage. I want to be a faithful prayer warrior. I want to love and help her heal. That’s me doing the “sticketh” part, right? 

Thanks. And may God reveal something beautiful to you very soon. Good night.

May 20, 2009 at 4:46 am 1 comment

Can He Hang The Tassel From His Bike?

Aidan graduated this week. He and 8 of his buds stood up on the stage in their little blue gowns and gold stoles and hats and gave a mighty fine performance. 

100_6758I was mighty proud of him. He said the welcome, part of the 23rd Psalm, and told us a little bit about phonics. He did a great job! 

Here we are before we head to the school:


He was pretty happy about the whole experience. Molly was sad, because she thinks they’ll never go to school together again. We know that’s not true, but there was no convincing her. *I’m fully aware she doesn’t look sad in this picture. Trust me, the kid was a bucket of tears all day!


Aidan felt bad that she was sad, but for the most part, he was pretty jubilant. 

100_6760And that was Tuesday. 

Then on Wednesday, we had Paisley sporting a cute ponytail.

100_6789Some days I just want to squeeze her to bits, she just gets to me. Especially since she just started calling me “Mommy”. 

100_6794And she makes her “sassy face”. I’ll never get over this girl. Ever. 

But then she borrows Mr. Potato Head’s glasses and climbs into Aidan’s toy box. 

100_6795And I wonder what planet she arrived here from. 

And today was the Canton Flea Market. Mom and I got there early and stayed the day. I’m quite pink from the sun, but we had a marvelous time. I got my girls’ Christmas dresses and some really cute tshirts from my favorite tshirt lady. I also got a small yard flag with an A on it, because according to Molly, “Now everyone will know they’re at the Albritton house!” 

Tomorrow is the last day of school for the older kids. If we move this summer (and please pray that we do!) we won’t be back there in the fall. Aidan was there 3 years, Molly for 2, and it has been a wonderful, safe, happy place for my kids. They will miss the friends they’ve made. I will miss them being known and loved by the teachers there. It breaks my heart a little bit. We need to move, but we are all so aware of the fact that God put us in Canton for 3 years for a reason. We are very close as a family because Michael’s office is nearby. We have been able to be active in our kids’ school and got to know some really great friends. And as much as I really could use a house with a few changes from this one, our home is paradise to the kids. They love everything about it. I appreciate that so much. I’m so glad they are content with what we have. God has provided so much for us through Michael. He gives up a lot for us, and there is not a day that goes by that I am not grateful for that. 

So as of noon tomorrow, it’s summer for our family of 5. I’m determined to not sit around here like we’ve done the last 2 years. I’m making a list of all the things we can go do, and a list of people to call to go with us. I’m so bad about assuming that nobody would want to hang out with us. I’m just going to get over that and call folks, because I know that my summers of spending every day having fun with my kids are rapidly disappearing. Here’s to a great 10 weeks! 

And maybe, hopefully, we will work a new house in all of that fun somewhere!

May 15, 2009 at 3:17 am 2 comments

I Got My Trivial Pursuit Skills From Her

My mom rocks at trivia. She can pretty much put us all out of the game. I can’t remember the last time we played, but she wins every time. She is especially good at the movie questions. She has a weird knowledge of the entertainment world from 1960-1999. Then she started reading Nora Roberts books and just doesn’t care anymore. 

And that’s just one of the things I love about her. 

I love that she’s incredibly wise. She knows the right thing to do 99% of the time. My sister in law and I joke about how in the midst of crisis, it’s just natural to call Cindy, because she’s going to have a solution. 

I love that she works hard. She is a great boss to her employees, and is always fair. She prays for them and lets them know that she gives a rip about their lives. I’m so proud of the way she works, even though I know her heart is at home. 

I love that she didn’t raise me to care about what others thought. She never bought me something because other people had one. She never pressured me to try out for something because everyone else did. She just didn’t care what the other moms were pushing their daughters to do. She just simply let me be me, and loved me that way. 

I love that she understands flat feet, because she’s got ’em. I mean, I hate that she has them, but I love that she understands that we just have to spend more on our shoes. It’s nice to have an ally in shoe shopping. 

I love her for being completely sold out to Jesus. I mean, she’s a minister’s wife and all, but church is not her life. Jesus is. She has lived every day of my life in such a way that I’ve never questioned her walk with the Lord. I remember walking in her room as a child and seeing her on her knees praying. I feel safe in knowing that she trusts God in everything. 

I love her for being so much fun. She took us everywhere, and we had a blast. We went to water parks, to museums, on picnics, and every church activity known to man. And it was always fun. My mom was the chaperone on the youth trip who would ditch the ladies her age and ride the rides with the college kids. She would be the first on the ski slope, or in the raft on the river. She never said no to a new adventure or opportunity. 

I love her because she likes to shop. She and I have had some of our best times just walking around a new store, or laughing at the miles of nothing anybody needs at the Canton Flea Market. 

She’s introverted. She knows LOTS of folks, but not many people really know her. She keeps her mouth shut, and her thoughts to herself. She doesn’t love a big crowd, but is comfortable in one. She loves to travel and see new places. I can’t wait to see what she and dad get to do in retirement. 

She loves her grandkids and thinks they are the best things in the world. From the minute each one of them arrived, they’ve made a special and unique relationship with her. She and daddy have made their house a kid’s paradise and have already made some really special memories there. 

She has never told me how to be a mom. She lets me raise my kids my way. From the time I became an adult, she has refrained from telling me how to live. I know this had to be hard at times, but she did me a huge favor by holding back. Now, when I ask, she helps me out. But as far as making my own decisions, she’s been great at letting me do that. 

She loves my Michael. She treats him as a son, and a friend. She knows he loves me and that our time is precious. She helps us protect that. They are so alike in personality, they get along well. 

She’s brave. She has dealt with things in life and at work that I don’t know if I could handle like she did. She is strong. She rarely cries and is the level headed peacemaker in situations where emotions run high. 

I could list a million qualities that I love about her. 

When I had each of my babies, she spent a week with me. Each time she left, I would ask her, “How on earth can I pay you back?” and her answer would always be, “Raise your kids right, and you have.” 

I’m doing my best on that. But I’ll still never pay her back. What she has given me is priceless. Unconditional love that could only be possible through Christ is something I could never earn from her. But she gives it freely, despite all my faults and insecurities. 

Thanks, Mama. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Thanks for letting me be me. Thanks for teaching me by your words and your life that Jesus lives and works in us everyday. Thanks for praying for me. Because you did, I have Michael, our kids, and a great life. Thanks for loving dad so much. Thanks for being my best friend. 

And one more thing I love…have you heard her sing? She’s the best. 


May 11, 2009 at 3:09 am 4 comments

Meet My Random Integer Generator

His name is Michael. He’s cute, and can make a mean bowl of cereal. 

100_6659Anyway, he just walked in the living room and I asked him, “Pick a number between 1 and 6.” He said, “5”. 

And that, my friends, is my very first giveaway! Yay to Jill, my sweet friend in Tennessee! I will be emailing you for your address and we’ll go from there. I hope you like the sauce! 

Thanks for playing!

Y’all, there is so much on my old brain that I just can’t get it all straight. 

I’m going to resort to the numbered list. I just can’t form coherent paragraphs these days. 

1. Tonight was fun. I love the Renaissance mall. I really love Anthropologie. I’ve got to learn to go in there and just ooh and ahh over the clothes, but not look at the prices. Just walk through and pretend like it could all be mine, I just don’t have the closet space. Yeah, that’s how to deal with a $78 TANK TOP!!! Just pretend I’ve got so many tank tops at home, I just can’t be bothered with this one…even though it was a cute orange print, with a twisty strappy thing going on…AAAAHHHH! SEVENTY-EIGHT bucks! 

2. We booked a beach vacation today. I’m in shock over it. We got a great deal on a condo, and I’m so excited. We haven’t been anywhere as a family since Paiz joined the club. And it’s the last week in June, which I know will be SO hot, but it will break the summer up into two nice little segments: the 6 weeks of hunger before beach vacation, and the 4 weeks of gorging myself after beach vacation. Can’t wait! 

3. You know I LOVE InStyle magazine. Why I don’t just subscribe to the dadgum thing, I don’t know. But anyway, today I got the new one and there’s an article on jeans. I’m looking for some great jeans, so I was happy about this. Oh my word, they were ripped and acid washed. With ankle zippers. 

Some trends should stay dead. Bury the jeans with your mix tapes and let’s move on. 

4. Speaking of mix tapes, Michael and I had a long discussion about ’em tonight. I’m sure in an attic somewhere, I could find some of my old tapes. I would keep a blank cassette in my jam box (!) all the time and when a song came on the radio that I liked, I’d just hit record. I had a bad habit of hitting record, even if I’d already recorded it. So I have a few tapes with “Ice, Ice, Baby” on them about 5 times. Michael called me lame. 

We also said that the worst thing about recording off the radio is that the DJ talks right up until the guy starts singing, so you miss the whole intro. Michael really hated that. He told me he never made a mix tape for a girl. I think I believe him. I did get a mix tape from the first bf, but it was all songs that he thought I should learn to love. It worked, I did love that little bit of Guns N Roses, Led Zepplin, Neil Young and Eric Clapton that he painstakingly put together to expand my very limited musical horizon. 

5. Back to the present, we visited 2 Madison schools this week. I loved them both, so I feel great about my kids going to school there. Let’s just hope the house sells so they get to! 

6. 100_6715I love these kiddos. More than anything in this whole world. More than clothes, or books, or great food, or vacations. I love the way they talk, the way they laugh, the way they run, the way they dance, the way they embrace life and jump in with both feet. They are fearless and funny, wacky and weird. I am so proud to be their mama. 

7. Aidan is one skinny dude. 

8. If I could change human nature, you know what I would change? I would change the way men relate to one another. I have been blessed greatly by some awesome girlfriends this past year. Just today, I had 2 or 3 long phone conversations with different friends about everything under the sun. I love every minute of that. But men are weird. I know they don’t have time to talk on the phone. But when they talk, they don’t talk about anything. Job, sports, and then hobbies, if they share the same interests. It’s sad to me. I feel like I have some great friends who will hold my feet to the fire and keep me accountable in my daily life. I know they pray for me. I know they understand that I’m a little bit weird, and they are okay with that, because they know that I’d do anything for them. But from just observing the few men I’m around, I notice a lack of really “relating” in relationships. Now, I understand that they need to be manly and macho, I’m not saying they should hug and cry. But it would be nice to see guys bonding over more than just golf and hunting. Maybe real stuff, like what God is doing in their life. Or family, they could talk about how hard it is to balance work and family. Or…I don’t know. I’m not a guy. But you get my point. 

9. I am finding myself in a desert place these days, and I need God to teach me something new. I’ve not been going to Tuesday Bible Study because I know I’d never keep up with the homework. I’m finding that I’m more distracted and easily consumed with selfish thoughts and motives when I’m not plugged in. I’m always aware of his presence, and I recognize him in every area of my life, I just don’t feel very awake and alive spiritually. I need a fresh word. I’m going to see Beth Moore in October, and I really am not going to wait until then. I can get my fresh word from Jesus in my living room, and that’s what I’m going to have to do! 

10. I really want to start a movement. I want parents who don’t want their kids to have cell phones until they can drive to unite together and make a stand. I was in Walmart tonight, and it’s just hard to see a 10 year old texting. What are they saying? And to whom? And then, when you try to speak to a child you know, they don’t look at you in the eyes because their only communication skills are dwindling down to nothing because they write incomplete words with no punctuation, so they can’t carry on a regular conversation. It’s a pet peeve, can you tell? I told y’all a while ago, I’m tired of holding it in. My kids may be the weird ones, but they will be able to talk to adults. 

I guess I should stop at 10. I’m putting myself to sleep. Have I mentioned that I love writing this meaningless mess? Seriously, my loves, in order, go like this: Jesus, Michael, kids, family, friends, The Gap, this blog, and so on and on and on. But 7th place is not bad at all, because my list of loves is endless, people. 

Let me go find Random Integer Generator and see if he wants to catch up on The Office tonight. Love you all.

May 9, 2009 at 4:35 am 7 comments

Rock ‘N Roll!

I love Slash on American Idol tonight. Reminds me of high school, when the bf and I would drive around listening to Guns N Roses. 

I don’t love Adam. To quote my friend Jennifer, “I’m afraid to look at his eyes. He looks like he could suck out my soul!” But I DO love Led Zepplin, and I love that song, so if I don’t watch him and just listen, I’m highly entertained. 

Anyway, my kids have no idea why I’m so thrilled. Molly is fascinated with “the fuzzy guy” (Slash). Aidan keeps asking when they’re going to kick someone off the show. He gets into the agony of defeat. 

That’s all. Oh my heavens, Kris and Danny singing together right now. May not be able to stand it. 

Please remember to comment on my Country Bob’s sauce post. I need to give some away and make someone happy. But I need more comments to have an actual competition. Thanks! 

Rock on,

Anne “I Can Make My Hair Look Like Slash” Albritton

May 6, 2009 at 12:29 am 3 comments

I Love Anything That Says “All-Purpose”

I told you last week that I got this email from Country Bob’s All Purpose Sauce. They asked me to try the sauce and write a review. I knew I would like it, and I love anything free, so I said, “sure!” and they sent me a box with 2 bottles and a bunch of recipes.

This sauce is super great. It’s tangy, like steak sauce, but sweet enough to use in recipes without being overpowering. I have used it instead of ketchup many times. I haven’t had time to cook with it, so I’m still anxious to try the recipes, but the sauce alone is wonderful.

I have read a little about the company, Country Bob’s. Their motto is “Christ is our CEO” and they strive for their business to glorify God. I emailed Al, the man that contacted me, some questions. He was kind enough to answer them for me. Here’ s our “interview”:

Me: You have a Christian company. Has your motto gotten any negative feedback?
Al: “Christ is our CEO” motto has had limited bad feed back. When we do get one we try to be gentle with the person and yet show how Christ can impact a persons life. Also all what Christ stands for and that He and His teaching are all great. This all leads to a great life with family and friends.

Me: What is your favorite way to use the sauce?
Al: There are so many different things I use Country Bobs on and everyone is my favorite. Dipping is probably my favorite along with cooking with it. My best dish is simple. two or three pounds of little smokies or meat balls. Heat, drain grease, add one can of whole cranberry sauce and one bottle of Country Bobs. Heat and serve. Wow!!

I’ve got to try that. Anyway, I highly recommend the sauce, and I’d love for you try it and support a wonderful company. Al told me in our first email that he’d be happy to do a giveaway. I’ve never done one of those before, but hey, I’m up for anything.

So here goes: Leave a comment, and tell me how you would use a yummy, all purpose sauce (with chicken nuggets? on a burger?) and I will choose a random number on Friday. I’ll then email the winner and get your address and then Country Bob’s will send you 2 bottles of their terrific sauce! How ’bout it, ya’ll?

And go to the website and look around. Lots of great stuff there!

May 4, 2009 at 8:09 pm 6 comments

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Welcome! Hope you enjoy the blog. I know nothing about the internet, except that I like it a lot. So there's nothing fancy on here, just thoughts and pictures. It's the simple things, right?
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May 2009

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